
Here is my cv.

General Information

Full Name Jiawen Bi
Date of Birth 29th May 2001
Languages English, Chinese


  • 2024-?
    PhD Candidate
    University of Minnesota Twin Cities
    • At the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE)
  • 2019.9-2023.6
    Zhejiang University, Department of Mathematics


  • 2023.9-2024.6
    Research Assistant II
    The University of Hong Kong
    • Working on dimension-insensitive methods for nonconvex stochastic optimization.
    • Advisor: [Dr. Yue Xie]
  • 2021.7 - 2021.9
    C++ Development Engineer Intern
    ZJUXitou Brainmachine Intelligence Research Center
    • Participating in the development of BrainComputer Fusion Computing Platform.
    • Responsible for the processing of data provided for brainmachine, coding of C++ applications and numerical algorithms.

Academic Interests

  • Bilevel Optimization
  • Minimax Optimization
  • First-order and Zeroth-order Methods in Optimization
  • Stochastic Optimization
  • Reinforcement Learning
    • Theories for reinforcement learning algorithms.
    • Optimization problems arising in reinforcement learning.
  • Quantum Optimization

Professional Skills

  • Coding: Python, C/C++, MATLAB
  • Software & Tools: LaTeX, Linux, Pytorch

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: weight lifting, running, reading, games, board games